Transferring your business interest successfully
A recent survey of business owners found that about one-third wants to transfer their companies to a family member, eighteen percent want to sell to current employees, another one-third wants to sell the business to an outside third party, and the remaining owners expect to simply close their doors. When owners look at each exit path, they must thoroughly evaluate each option based on reasonable possibilities (not wishful thinking) considering what the owner would like to do and what the value  of the company can support. Ownership ultimately must find an exit path that best meets the needs of the owner(s) – both personal and financial, and they need to value the company and determine its marketability in light of their objectives. While owners ultimately decide what path to take and when, the process of exiting their business ownership is dependent on a process which is organized and thorough. In creating the best road map for your exit, we can help you carefully compare the benefits and detriments of each path, viewed in light of your specific exit objectives.